Dealing with this phenomenon is a direct responsibility of states. Nevertheless, civil society is not exempt from the moral obligation of actively participating in guiding the processes of change which have already started taking place in the world, through the defense of human rights, freedom and the rule of law. In an increasingly interconnected world, the task of building bridges between civilizations, cultures, ethnic groups and religions seeking common grounds as well as vindicating the right to diversity has become peremptory within the framework of global acknowledgement of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After murdering Abel, Cain asked: "Am I my brothers keeper"? For all those who love and honor both life and peace the answer is obviously affirmative. Therefore, from the Southern Cone of this continent, AMIA, which was the first target of international terrorism in the Americas, launches a
CALL FOR LIFE AGAINST TERROR. Adherences to this position are headed by Professor Elie Wiesel, |